Saturday, February 25, 2017



 After, a long day you might need to run yourself a hot bath and  "SOAK ".  We need to take our baths from relaxing to a whole new level of detoxifying, and soaking You find toxins are everywhere in our environment, making regular detoxing and soaking very important in our lives.
Toxic chemicals are found everywhere in our environment and, unfortunately, begin to accumulate in our cells and in fat tissues of babies before they set foot into the world.
 Their is a percentage of the toxins we’re exposed to on a daily basis in the form of pesticides, heavy metals, flame retardants, and air pollution.

With the addition of a few natural ingredients, that can be obtained from a local spa or store. It's time for the healing garden of tender Lavender or Frankincense and slip into a tranquil oasis.  Enter into this place of"Soaking or detoxing" in the living water of the Holy Spirit. The place where you enter into his presence.  You must set the atmosphere by clearing your mind and turn off any distractions of the world and become  quite.  "Be still and know that I Am God (PSALMS 46:10)  and having the faith of a mustard seed knowing God can and will change things in your life.  In the book of  2Kings 13:15 , Elisha says, "But now bring me a minstrel (musician)." And it came about, when the minstrel played that the hand of the Lord came upon him" Love ones I want you to know there is no right way or wrong to soak. Only have a heart like David , In scripture it says "David was a man after God's heart". (Acts 13:22)

David would take the harp and play it with his hands. (Psalms 16:23). Soaking music is anointing music thats helps transform your state of mind.   You may pick what genre of spiritual music that might help you get in the heavenly realm of soaking.
When I begin to soak, detox I will light a candle to help me burn off all the earthly distraction of the world. Then I burn some incense to fill the heavenly realm with the sweet fragrance of prayer.  Like the twenty-four elders carry the prayers of the saints with harps as they fall down in worship.  (Rev.5:8).

As the sweet sound of soaking music plays by the anointed Psalmists of today Juanita Bynum  song" Peace Recitation".  I find myself laying on a soft white rug, curling up on my prayer pillow wrapped in my prayer shawl.  I begin to declare and recite these scriptures over my life. Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)   How precious to me to are your thoughts, o God! (Psalms 139:17)  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made and Lord you said: "I created your inmost being;I you knitted you together in your mother's womb. Before you were formed  I knew you  and set you apart." (Jeremiah 29:11)

 As you soak ask him to let you go deep and help you understand his wisdom and knowledge.  If it's healing you need let it be spoken out your mouth three times .  Heavenly, Father, through your word you have imparted your life to me. That life restores my body with every breath I breathe and every word I speak.  

   Well, beloved it's getting late but I must share with you about a personal experience of soaking. Today, on my way to work it was pouring down raining this morning.  I saw the bus turn the corner and I began to run but I stopped because a black Mercedes was coming down the street. He splashed me and I was wet from head to toe. I caught the bus though . As, I sat in my seat the Holy  Spirit ministered to me and revealed you have been immersed in water and been soaked. See , give God the Glory and the Honor and the praise in everything you do. We serve a funny God too. You can enter into his presence anywhere and have a soaking experience. Let's, remember truly what Soaking or detoxing really is by letting go and entering into the presence of God. Having the faith of a mustard seed. The time we spend with him is a sacrifice. Open yourself blameless to him and atone for something in your life. Meditate on the things on your journey  like your health or the things you eat physically or spiritually walk with him.

 As you receive your download for him in that moment write it down or record it on your phone. I  leave you with this precious sip of knowledge "lean not on your own understand but trust in the Lord, and you shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul, and with all of your mind, and with all of your strength.  (Mark 12:30).
   I pray you enjoy Soaking and detoxing in the Living water of the Holy Spirit.  Until, the next time I leave you with a holy kiss until more said the Lord.. XOXO.. Visit our spot and enjoy a glass of envision water or a cup of hot tea. Sip on because water is the key of life.

Brenda Starr.
Sparkle 💖

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