Sunday, July 16, 2017

Is Water God

Is God water? is water God?

Before I get in to this, I am not saying this is what I believe! This is something I've been thinking about for awhile. I'm just looking for your  opinions and that's too provoke some reasonable thoughts.
Water is the most abundant molecule in the universe and it is also the most abundant solid substance in space. Water molecules are everywhere. Water is the life-giver in our physical world. By definition God is the Life-giver. Water is the only substance that can exists naturally in three forms, gas, solid and liquid, God is described as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
So, think of the Father as being equivalent to water vapor. It is everywhere but remains unseen. God is also everywhere and remains unseen. Jesus, the son would be compared to ice. Which would be the solid form of water. Jesus, whom spent time on earth and was seen by many. He was referred to as the Rock, something solid. Water is the only substance to expand when it gets colder which in turn makes it float, Rise up. If ice did not float, life would not be possible. At least as life appears today. So the Bible says that Jesus rose from his tomb so we could have eternal and spiritual life! Ice also preserves or saves things. In Jesus Christ, we are saved from our sin.
Now, The Holy Spirit would be equivalent to water. It is said to live in all living creatures. The Holy Spirit is sent from God to do His work on earth. Water is sent from the clouds to rain down on the earth. To cleanse and to nourish. The Holy Spirit is used to baptize and wash our souls. While water is used to wash our bodies and to cleanse or to make us new.
Water on earth is full of dirt and debris. As it rises it is freed of the things that bog it down or that makes it un pure. As it is said we also would be freed from our earthly restraints and dirt.  Water that has been evaporated, rises. As we rise into the heavens to be with God.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Here it almost sounds like there was only water to begin with. Here at least it doesn't say God created water. So is water God?
There many who believe that water has memory. Masaru Emoto was a Japanese author and entrepreneur, who claimed that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Emoto's work explored his theory that water could react positively or negatively to thoughts and words. Polluted water could be cleaned through prayer and positive visualization. This can be looked up on youtube, it is very Interesting on its own.
Is this how our thoughts and prayers are transported to God? By water up to the sky to the clouds. Is this why we should pray over our food and drink?
Think about the last time you really looked at a glass of water. Now each water molecule is said to have 440,000 panels to store information on. How does it collect this information? I don't know, but it sounds like water can see. It reflects light, images, in much the same way as our eyes. Now lets think about a journey of a drop of water. Where all it's has been. What all it has seen and heard. From falling from the sky, to rising back up again and everything in between. The possibilities are staggering. What about the journey is that drop in your last glass of water. Or,  was it a drop down the side of mountain that ran into a river. Hearing the water drip it sounded like birds singing and watching the sky go by. Like you did as a kid in the back seat of a car. To find out it was only the rain hitting the windshield making that sound. Or did it travel from a treatment plant ? Where it was then sent through miles and mile of underground pipes to your house.
So, what if the oceans and the seas are big memory bank. Where all the information of the world is stored and processed. Where every thought, image, and the blue print to everything ever in existence is kept. Water can be seen as the oldest chemist ever. Mixing and matching different combinations together. Creating, rearranging, adding, subtracting, everything with everything forever. staggering once again.
God said we were made in his image. When you look into a pond you see your reflection, your image. Everywhere I looked these numbers up they were different. As babies we are around 80 to 90 percent water. This is higher than in an adults, which has 57 to 60 percent water. As we get order and more corrupt and beat down by the world. Is this the reason why we lose such a large amount of water in our bodies. If we believe and trust in God. Do we retain more water as we get older? It is also said that God is in every living thing. Is this by water? Humans have always wondered where our souls are located. What if our souls are made of water. When we die our bodies dry up and turn to dust. The water evaporates and everything else stays on the earth.

I posted most of this on a web page awhile back. I had on person say "God can't be contained and that water could." Well you could burry a container of water miles underground, it might take a long time but the water will evaporate. This same person said "water doesn't show emotion." A flood that takes out a whole town appears to be full of emotion. How about a big storm passing over your house? Your whole community can be shut down by a stream and that same stream another day you find how calming it is and peaceful. Better yet! After a long day fill your bathtub up with water. Tell me it's not one of the most soothing things in the world. How about a spring rain? Gently cleaning and nourishing everything in sight. Sounds very caring to me.

There is more that can be said about this, but for now I'm going to leave it at that. Like I said I am just look for opinions no matter what they are. I'm not trying to get anyone to believe in this theory. " Is God Water or is  Water God"? Water is mentioned in the Bible 722 times. If nothing else it seems to have some importance. . Have a great day and enjoy a tall glass of water it is important to your health. Thank you for your
Is God water? is water God?
Before I get in to this, I am not saying this is what I believe! This is something I've been thinking about for awhile. I'm just looking for your  opinions and that's too provoke some reasonable thoughts.
Water is the most abundant molecule in the universe and it is also the most abundant solid substance in space. Water molecules are everywhere. Water is the life-giver in our physical world. By definition God is the Life-giver. Water is the only substance that can exists naturally in three forms, gas, solid and liquid, God is described as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
So, think of the Father as being equivalent to water vapor. It is everywhere but remains unseen. God is also everywhere and remains unseen. Jesus, the son would be compared to ice. Which would be the solid form of water. Jesus, whom spent time on earth and was seen by many. He was referred to as the Rock, something solid. Water is the only substance to expand when it gets colder which in turn makes it float, Rise up. If ice did not float, life would not be possible. At least as life appears today. So the Bible says that Jesus rose from his tomb so we could have eternal and spiritual life! Ice also preserves or saves things. In Jesus Christ, we are saved from our sin.
Now, The Holy Spirit would be equivalent to water. It is said to live in all living creatures. The Holy Spirit is sent from God to do His work on earth. Water is sent from the clouds to rain down on the earth. To cleanse and to nourish. The Holy Spirit is used to baptize and wash our souls. While water is used to wash our bodies and to cleanse or to make us new.
Water on earth is full of dirt and debris. As it rises it is freed of the things that bog it down or that makes it un pure. As it is said we also would be freed from our earthly restraints and dirt.  Water that has been evaporated, rises. As we rise into the heavens to be with God.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Here it almost sounds like there was only water to begin with. Here at least it doesn't say God created water. So is water God?
There many who believe that water has memory. Masaru Emoto was a Japanese author and entrepreneur, who claimed that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Emoto's work explored his theory that water could react positively or negatively to thoughts and words. Polluted water could be cleaned through prayer and positive visualization. This can be looked up on youtube, it is very Interesting on its own.

Is this how our thoughts and prayers are transported to God? By water up to the sky to the clouds. Is this why we should pray over our food and drink?
Think about the last time you really looked at a glass of water. Now each water molecule is said to have 440,000 panels to store information on. How does it collect this information? I don't know, but it sounds like water can see. It reflects light, images, in much the same way as our eyes. Now lets think about a journey of a drop of water. Where all it's has been. What all it has seen and heard. From falling from the sky, to rising back up again and everything in between. The possibilities are staggering. What about the journey is that drop in your last glass of water. Or,  was it a drop down the side of mountain that ran into a river. Hearing the water drip it sounded like birds singing and watching the sky go by. Like you did as a kid in the back seat of a car. To find out it was only the rain hitting the windshield making that sound. Or did it travel from a treatment plant ? Where it was then sent through miles and mile of underground pipes to your house.
So, what if the oceans and the seas are big memory bank. Where all the information of the world is stored and processed. Where every thought, image, and the blue print to everything ever in existence is kept. Water can be seen as the oldest chemist ever. Mixing and matching different combinations together. Creating, rearranging, adding, subtracting, everything with everything forever. staggering once again.
God said we were made in his image. When you look into a pond you see your reflection, your image. Everywhere I looked these numbers up they were different. As babies we are around 80 to 90 percent water. This is higher than in an adults, which has 57 to 60 percent water. As we get order and more corrupt and beat down by the world. Is this the reason why we lose such a large amount of water in our bodies. If we believe and trust in God. Do we retain more water as we get older? It is also said that God is in every living thing. Is this by water? Humans have always wondered where our souls are located. What if our souls are made of water. When we die our bodies dry up and turn to dust. The water evaporates and everything else stays on the earth.

I posted most of this on a web page awhile back. I had on person say "God can't be contained and that water could." Well you could burry a container of water miles underground, it might take a long time but the water will evaporate. This same person said "water doesn't show emotion." A flood that takes out a whole town appears to be full of emotion. How about a big storm passing over your house? Your whole community can be shut down by a stream and that same stream another day you find how calming it is and peaceful. Better yet! After a long day fill your bathtub up with water. Tell me it's not one of the most soothing things in the world. How about a spring rain? Gently cleaning and nourishing everything in sight. Sounds very caring to me.

There is more that can be said about this, but for now I'm going to leave it at that. Like I said I am just look for opinions no matter what they are. I'm not trying to get anyone to believe in this theory. " Is God Water or is  Water God"? Water is mentioned in the Bible 722 times. If nothing else it seems to have some importance. . Have a great day and enjoy a tall glass of water it is important to your health. Thank you for your time☔🌠⛅ time☔🌠⛅

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